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Contractors Insurance in Longview, TX

Contractors insurance encompasses a range of policies designed to safeguard construction professionals and their businesses from various risks inherent in their line of work. Such coverage is vital for contractors as it provides financial protection against unforeseen circumstances that could otherwise result in substantial losses. By mitigating risks and liabilities, contractors coverage not only safeguards the contractor’s livelihood but also instills confidence in clients and stakeholders, fostering trust and facilitating smoother project execution.

What Is Contractors Insurance?man writing on paper

This insurance is designed to financially protect individuals or businesses in the construction industry. It typically includes several types of coverage tailored to the specific risks contractors face. A well-rounded insurance portfolio may include coverage for damage to structures being built, as well as materials, equipment and supplies on-site, and other protections.

The following are some of the most common types of insurance used by contractors:

  • General liability insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Contractors equipment insurance
  • Builders risk insurance
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Surety bonds

How Much Is Contractors Insurance?

The cost of contractors policies can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size and scope of the construction business, the types of projects undertaken, the coverage limits desired, the location of operations, the claims history and the chosen insurance provider.

Generally, insurance premiums are determined based on the risk associated with the specific business. For example, a contractor engaged in high-risk construction activities, such as roofing or demolition, may pay higher premiums than someone involved in lower-risk projects, such as landscaping or painting.

Consult with Erick Dodge Insurance Agency Inc to determine the appropriate insurance coverage for your contracting business based on your specific circumstances and local regulations. We will work with you to customize coverage, limits, endorsements and exclusions to fit your operation-specific risk exposures.

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